Lepin Review 03061:中国风 Mini Building Series

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I was quite attracted to the chinese styled buildings that is offered by several other brick brands companies like Lepin, XingBao, KaZi just to name a couple of the brands that comes to mind. So I decided to buy some off Taobao during the 11.11 event via ezbuy last year, and as most will know there was issues with the ezbuy and I finally received the items close to the year end of 2017.

This is the first of several chinese styled building reviews which i will be reviewing.

This Lepin 中国风 (Chinese Styled) series features 4 mini building 锦绣坊 (Jin Xiu Fang) which seems like a resting inn, 万客楼 (Wan Ke Lou) which is a chinese restaurant, 怡春苑 (Yi  Chun Yuan) which is a brothel and 弦乐坊 (Xian Yue Fang) which seems like a music school.

Kit Details

Lepin 06031 中国风 Mini Building Series
Year: 2017
Minifigs: 0
Pieces: 1,368
RRP: ???



Interesting to note is that this series can be found sold in a case of 4 (03061) or individually as 03061A, 03061B, 03061C and 03061D.

The case.

The individual boxes in the case.

Invdividual boxes.

Let’s start!!!

03061A : 锦绣坊 (Jin Xiu Fang) – 329 pieces

7 packs of parts numbered 1 & 2 and instruction leaflet.

The printed part from Numbered 1 bags.

Completed build from Numbered 1 bags.

The printed parts from Numbered 2 bags.

The completed build.

03061B : 万客楼 (Wan Ke Lou) – 346 pieces

7 packs of parts numbered 1 & 2 and instruction leaflet.

The printed part from Numbered 1 bags.

Completed build from Numbered 1 bags.

The printed part from Numbered 2 bags.

The completed build.

03061C : 怡春苑 (Yi Chun Yuan) – 347 pieces

8 packs of parts numbered 1 & 2 and instruction leaflet.

The printed part from Numbered 1 bags.

Completed build from Numbered 1 bags.

The printed parts from Numbered 2 bags.

The completed build. There was a missing part in the roof which was kinda of disappointing.

03061D : 弦乐坊 (Xian Yue Fang) – 346 pieces

7 packs of parts numbered 1 & 2 and instruction leaflet.

The one and only printed part in this set from Numbered 1 bags.

Completed build from Numbered 1 bags.

The completed build.

After thoughts:
The overall build was pretty easy to follow. The parts’ clutch power were not overly stiff or loose as compared to Lepin’s parts in the past. While it is a great improvement, but i would say the “squareness” of the 1×1 plate or tile still needs further refining. Although I had a missing piece but compare this to a set i got a couple of years back where there were missing pieces, wrong parts and wrong colours, i would say there was some improvements made to the quality control.

I am slightly disappointed as I thought the 4 sets can be connected into a street. But it turns out that each building is actually a standalone piece.

Hope you have enjoyed this. Thank you for reading!

1 thought on “Lepin Review 03061:中国风 Mini Building Series

  1. Pingback: XingBao Review XB-01102:中华街 Mini Building Series 2 - The BrickHorse

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